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Magic Circle – The Ring of Fire!

It is said that Joseph Pilates made the first “Magic Circle” from the ring on a beer Keg!

The Magic Circle, made of flexible metal, was created to help you find the connections to your Powerhouse more easily.

This flexible ring provides gentle to moderate resistance that will develop your Powerhouse, muscle control and balance, tone your bottom, hamstrings, chest and arms.

If you’re looking to intensify your daily mat work, pair your workouts with the Magic Circle and get ready to reap the benefits.

Here are some Mat exercises to try with the Magic Circle:

The Hundred

  • Lie on your back
  • Put the Magic Circle between your ankles
  • Straighten your legs out and pump your arms while breathing in 5 counts, out 5 counts

Upper Body Workout

  • Stand up tall, engage your Powerhouse
  • Hold Magic Circle between your palms at hip level
  • Squeeze the circle in as you move your extended arms over your head and back down
  • Repeat this to a slow count of 10

Inner Thighs

  • Lie on side and place circle around outside of knees
  • Lie down on your hand or lie propped up on your elbow
  • With a solid mid section, press top leg up against circle up and bottom leg down. 10 – 15 reps

The Magic Circle is great for home use! If you’re hanging out in the living room watching TV, grab the circle and feel the burn. It is also the perfect workout companion to travel with, it’s lightweight and can lie flat in your luggage.

Next time you’re in the studio, ask your teacher for a routine you can do at home.