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(561) 317-2835

About Our Studio

When You Visit Pilates Space Florida You Will Find It Unique in Many Ways…

Our Pilates and GYROTONIC® training studio is dedicated to fostering personal connections in a private environment, ensuring that each visit is as productive and enjoyable as possible. Whether you’re a beginner or at an advanced fitness level, our highly trained team is here to meet you where you are and help you achieve your goals. Experience the difference with our authentic Pilates equipment and comprehensive holistic wellness programs, all in a friendly and energetic setting designed to motivate, inspire and transform your life.

Personal Connections & Private Environment

Our teachers will get to know you. We welcome you when you arrive and will do everything possible to make your visits with us as productive as possible. The link between personal connection, attention and motivation is key in achieving your goals!

No Intimidation

No matter what fitness level you are currently at, we will meet you where you are and help you to get where you want to be, all in a friendly and energetic environment.

Quality, Not Quantity

To ensure individual attention, great results and a pleasant exercise environment we limit our apparatus classes to 6 clients, our Mat and Specialty classes are limited to only 10 clients per group.

Authentic Pilates and GYROTONIC® Experience

To ensure individual attention, great results and a pleasant exercise environment we limit our apparatus classes to 4 clients, our Mat and Specialty classes are limited to only 10 clients per group.

A highly trained, exceptional team

All of our teachers are certified by Romana Kryzanowska or 2nd Generation teachers and have gone through an intense 600 hour – 1200 hour certification program.

We are motivated to seek continuous improvement in ourselves through continuous education seminars.

We are approachable and professional and hold multiple degrees and certifications in Exercise, Health, and Nutrition.

Meet Our Team

We only utilize authentic pilates equipment

The apparatus and especially the springs of the apparatus play a major role in your workout and how you progress.

Experience Authentic Pilates

GYROTONIC® Small Group Classes

Experience the joy of GYROTONIC® training in a small group environment!

A much-needed lengthening, decompressing, mobilizing and strengthening of the body – after a long day at the desk or chasing after little ones! With its unique three-dimensional spiraling and circular movement flow based on the body’s natural movement patterns, the GYROTONIC® Method has been described as the most satisfying self-massage and an antidote to the ‘tech neck’ and the many stressors of modern life.

Dedicate this hour to your mind, body and soul – you deserve it.

Experience GYROTONIC®

Comprehensive holistic wellness programs

To feel and be your best, it’s essential to understand the connection between Exercise, Food and Lifestyle choices. We will show you how through our holistic Nutrition and Wellness classes.

Our Studio is a Green Studio

We only utilize organic cleaning products to clean our equipment and studio. Our entire studio is equipped to conserve energy and water, our walls are painted with VOC-free paint.

We Feel That the Little Things Count

We offer you complimentary towels and water, Tea is available at our Tea bar.