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Don’t Be That Person: A Studio Etiquette Guide

We put together a quick cheat sheet on class etiquette to help you and your fellow students get the most out of your time at Pilates Space Florida. Think of this as your Cliffs Notes version of our studio policies – don’t worry, there won’t be a pop quiz!

Arrive Early

Do yourself, your fellow students, and your teacher a solid by showing up before class starts. Entering after a session has already started can be disruptive, and you risk losing your spot to a student on the waitlist, or worse, getting locked out. Arrive at least five minutes before class (15 minutes if it’s your first visit) to allow yourself time to get situated before it’s time to sweat.

Step away from the cell phone

Unless you’re expecting to go into labor, have a wife or BFF who might go into labor, or are a doctor waiting for a patient to go into labor, please leave your cell phone on silent and tucked away in your bag or cubby. Take a break from the “real world” and unplug for an hour, and keep the distractions out of sight so your fellow students can do the same.

Suit up to move and sweat

There are no hard and fast rules for what to wear to a Pilates class. Form-fitting clothing will help your instructor cue in on your body alignment, but it’s not a requirement. If you want to wear loose-fitting clothing, just make sure to do a quick check at home to make sure your clothes don’t stretch or hang in ways that will give your classmates a show (guys, check your shorts, and ladies, let’s not forget about the Lululemon see-through pants disaster of 2013!). Socks are a MUST in FL, so the Health Department doesn’t slap us on the wrist with a $500 fine!

Tell your teacher if you have any injuries or special requests

We want you to have the best class possible, so informing us ahead of time of any injuries will help our teachers tailor the workout to your needs, like offering modifications to make an exercise more accessible or alternative moves to help you avoid exacerbating any pre-existing conditions.

No Perfume please

While everyone likes to smell good, less is more when you sweat, when you work out and sweat, your scent spreads throughout the entire room and some teacher and clients will experience strong physical reactions such as violent Migraines and hives. Solution: Wear deodorant, and skip the body spray.

Clean up your space and don’t forget your stuff

We pride ourselves on keeping a clean, neat, and odor-free space. Everyone appreciates a fresh and tidy studio, and you can help us keep things clean and orderly by taking a few minutes after class to sanitize your apparatus and props with the wipes provided at the end of each session and returning all equipment to its original location/position so it’s ready to go for the next client. Before you leave, don’t forget to check the area around your Reformer and cubby to make sure you don’t leave any of your valuables behind.

Cancel on time and do use the waitlist

If you need to cancel class or lesson, make sure to do so at least 24 hours in advance to avoid a late cancel charge. If you want to take a class but it’s full, get on the waitlist. There’s a good chance you’ll get a spot!

Frequently canceling standing appointments

Frequent cancellations or no-shows may result in the cancellation of your standing appointment status. Your teacher has reserved these time slots for you and loses income if you keep canceling.

Plus, you will not reach your workout and health goals, so sadly nobody wins here….